HandyX Privacy Policy

    Effective Date: June 24, 2024


    This privacy policy ("Privacy Policy") is designed to inform you about the type of information that HandyX Inc. ("We," "us," or "our") may gather about or collect from you in connection with your use of this site (this "Site"). It also is intended to explain the conditions under which we use and disclose that information, and your rights in relation to that information.
    The procedures for modifying or changing this Privacy Policy in the future are discussed in the last Section of this document.

    Gathering, Use and Disclosure of Non-Personally-Identifying Information

    HandyX collects both Non-Personally-Identifying Information and Personally-Identifying Information from you. "Non–Personally–Identifying Information" is information that, without the aid of additional information, cannot be directly associated with a specific person or entity. "Personally–Identifying Information," by contrast, is information such as a name or email address that, without more, can be directly associated with a specific person or entity.

    A. Gathering Non-Personally-Identifying Information

    We collect both Non-Personally-Identifying Information and Personally-Identifying Information from you. "Non–Personally–Identifying Information" is information that, without the aid of additional information, cannot be directly associated with a specific person or entity. "Personally–Identifying Information," by contrast, is information such as a name or email address that, without more, can be directly associated with a specific person or entity.

    • APP/Web Browsers
    • Like most application/site operators, we gather Non-Personally-Identifying Information from you of the sort that web browsers, depending on their settings, may make available. That information includes your Internet Protocol ("IP") address, operating system and browser type, and the locations of the web pages you view right before arriving at, while navigating and immediately after leaving this Site.

    • Web Cookies
    • A "Web Cookie" is a string of information that a site stores on a computer. Your browser provides this string of information to us each time you submit a query to this Site. We use Web Cookies to track the pages that you visit each time you visit this Site, both to help us improve your experience and to help us understand how this Site is being used.


    • Third Parties’ Use of Web Beacons and Web Cookies
    • This Site may include third-party advertising, links to other sites, and other content from third party businesses. The content posted by these parties will be reasonably identifiable as coming from a third party. These third-party sites, businesses, and advertisers, or advertising companies working on their behalf, sometimes use web beacons (also known as action tags or single-pixel gifs), and Web Cookies to measure the effectiveness of their ads, personalize or optimize advertising content and to track users who link from their respective sites to this Site, but this third party technology does not permit them to access your Personal Information. We do not have access to or control over web beacons or Web Cookies that these third parties may use, and the information practices of these advertisers and third-party websites or businesses are not covered by this Privacy Policy but are covered by their respective privacy policies as is described in more detail in Sections below. Some third party advertising companies may provide a mechanism to opt-out of their technology. For more information about these partners and links to their privacy policies, please view each third party’s site.

    B. Use of Non-Personally-Identifying Information

    We analyze Non–Personally–Identifying Information gathered from users of this Site to help us better understand how this Site is being used. By identifying patterns and trends in usage, we are able to better design this Site to improve your experiences, both in terms of content and ease of use. We may also link information gathered using Web Cookies to Personally-Identifying Information for safety and securit

    C. Disclosure of Non-Personally-Identifying Information

    From time to time, we may also release the Non–Personally–Identifying Information gathered from Site users in the aggregate, such as by publishing a report on trends in the usage of this Site.

    Collection, Use and Disclosure of Personally–Identifying Information

    As defined above, Personally-Identifying Information is information that can be directly associated with a specific person or entity. We will only collect Personally-Identifying Information that you knowingly submit to us. We will not disclose Personally-Identifying Information (PII) to third parties unless we obtain your permission to do so at the time we collect it, except as set forth below:

    A. Registration and Other Information Provided to Us

    We collect both Non-Personally-Identifying Information and Personally-Identifying Information from you. "Non–Personally–Identifying Information" is information that, without the aid of additional information, cannot be directly associated with a specific person or entity. "Personally–Identifying Information," by contrast, is information such as a name or email address that, without more, can be directly associated with a specific person or entity.

    B. Material You Choose to Reveal in Profiles, On-line Form, Blogs, Message Boards, Chat Rooms or Similar Locations

    You may post Personally-Identifying Information on areas of this Site that may be viewed by other users or the public, although we recommend that you do not do so. ANY INFORMATION YOU POST IN YOUR PROFILE (EXCEPT FOR YOUR REAL NAME, GENDER AND ZIP CODE) CAN BE VIEWED BY THE PUBLIC. We urge you to use good judgment and not post Personally-Identifying Information that you do not want other users to know. You may modify information in your profile (except for your month, day and year of birth and uploaded documents) at any time. You can access your profile by clicking on the "My Account" link on your user profile page, then clicking on the "Edit My Profile" link.YOU ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY LOSS OF PRIVACY OR OTHER HARM RESULTING FROM YOUR VOLUNTARY DISCLOSURE OF PERSONALLY-IDENTIFYING INFORMATION.

    • (i) Modifying Your Profile You may modify the information in your user profile at any time by clicking on the "My Account" link on your user profile page, then clicking on the "Edit My Profile" link.

    C. DMCA Infringement Notifications, Notices of Violations of Site Terms of Use and Other Communications Directed to Us

    By submitting a Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA") Infringement Notification or other communication (including notices of violations of Site Terms of Use and other communications directed to us) you consent to have this communication forwarded to the person or entity that stored or transmitted the content addressed by your communications in order to facilitate a prompt resolution. For notices other than DMCA Infringement Notifications, upon request, we will edit out your name and contact information. However, DMCA Infringement Notifications (including any Personally-Identifiable Information set forth in the notifications) will be forwarded as submitted to us without any deletions.

    D. Email Notifications

    We will send notification or email you when a transaction takes place from the app or the site and notify you by email when you receive any funding. In addition, we may email you summaries of work completion. In the future versions of this app, you may be able to specify the frequency with which you wish to receive these emails/notifications by clicking on the "My Account" link on your user profile page, then clicking on the "Edit Account Options" link and selecting the frequency with which you would like to receive these emails from the drop down menus. You may opt-out of receiving these emails by clicking on the "My Account" link on your user profile page.

    E. Invite a Friend Feature

    We may offer you the ability to send friends emails about HandyX Application or Site. If you choose to use this feature, we may use your friends’ email addresses or social media to send the requested info and will not store or otherwise retain this information.

    F. Surveys

    From time to time, we may also ask you to participate in surveys designed to help us improve this Aps/Site. Any Personally-Identifying Information provided to us in connection with a survey will be used only in relation to that survey for internal use and business development purposes, and will not be disclosed to third parties.

    G. Contests, Giveaways and other Promotions

    From time to time, we may offer you the opportunity to participate in contests, giveaways and other promotions. Any information submitted in connection with promotions will be subject to the terms of the promotion, not this Privacy Policy. You will be given the option to consent to the use of your Personally-Identifying Information at the time you sign up for the promotion. You will not be required to participate in any promotion.

    H. Security

    We take reasonable precautions to protect the security of your information. However, neither people nor security systems are foolproof. Therefore, while we use reasonable efforts to protect your Personally-Identifying Information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

    I. Other Disclosures

    Notwithstanding any other provision in this Privacy Policy, we will disclose Personally-Identifying Information in the following limited circumstances:

    • Employees and Third Party Processors: We will disclose Personally–Identifying Information to our employees, contractors, affiliates, vendors and suppliers who process Personally–Identifying Information on our behalf or participate with us in the provision or operation of this Site.
    • Business Transfers: Bankruptcy We reserve the right to transfer all Personally-Identifying Information in our possession to a successor organization in the event of a merger, acquisition, or bankruptcy or other sale of all or a portion of our assets. Other than to the extent ordered by a bankruptcy or other court, the use and disclosure of all transferred Personally–Identifying Information will be subject to this Privacy Policy, or to a new privacy policy if you are given notice of that new privacy policy and you affirmatively opt-in to accept it. Personally-Identifying Information submitted or collected after a transfer, however, may be subject to a new privacy policy adopted by the successor organization.
    • Marketing: We may send notification or email you about products and services that we believe may be of interest to you. We may also will provide your email information to third parties, so that those third parties may directly contact you about additional products and services.

    Collection and Use of Information by Third Parties Not Covered By this Agreement

    Third parties are under no obligation to comply with this Privacy Policy with respect to Personally-Identifying Information that you provide directly to those third parties or that those third parties collect for themselves such as via links. We do not control the third-party sites that may be accessible through this Site. Thus, this Privacy Policy does not apply to information provided to third party sites or gathered by the third parties that operate them. Before visiting a third party site, whether by means of a link on this Site or otherwise, and before providing any Personally-Identifying Information to any third party, you should inform yourself of the privacy policies and practices (if any) of the third party responsible for that site, and you should take those steps necessary, in your discretion, to protect your privacy.

    Collection and Use of Information by Third Parties Not Covered By this Agreement

    Because of changes in technology and the growth and development of our business or for other business reasons, we may need to modify this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will alert you by email if this policy is revised (if you have given us your email address) and will post a copy of the new policy with its effective date on this app/Site. It is therefore important that you register with the app/site and notify us if you change email addresses. If you do not provide us with a current email address, you should regularly review this policy to ensure that you are informed of any changes. Unless we obtain your express consent, any revised Privacy Policy will apply only to information collected after the time it takes effect, and not to information collected under any earlier Privacy Policy. This HandyX Privacy Policy is effective as of and was last updated on December 1, 2023.